Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rewind, Press Play, Unwi... Oh sorry thats not allowed.

Festember was here, actually happened, and is over. I'm pretty sure a lot of people here, not least my friends in the core, would be perfectly surprised. For one, it's a cultural festival. The cauldron of the dregs of morality, and what not. Next, there are those blasted corporates. Always hatching some weird, evil plan to take over the campus. Guess we have an oil field hidden away somewhere...

Seriously, the only word that comes to mind is IRRITATING. To be perfectly frank, thats the only word tat comes to mind and can go to press. Spending countless night outs, bunking classes, battling with an absolutely unhelpful, almost harmful admin and last, and maybe the least, losing cash on Dhabha dinners. All for a crazed midget with an oversized sense of responsibility caught in a time warp to pull down in an unreasonable fit of anger.

After a point of time, talk is cheap. We crossed that point a long time ago.

Yet, talk is cheap. But inaction is cheaper.