Sunday, May 31, 2009

The genesis of love...

(An old draft... This is a more morose post than usual.)

A friend of mine told me a while back, after a huge, humungous, teary fight with his pretty half, that it was oddly comforting for him that they both shed tears during the conversation. I say conversation here, in the nicest possible way, because the only other "dialogue" of that type I have seen is between George W Bush and a tyrannous oligarch. Let's Nuke em!

I did, like always, disregard his statement as foolish, selfish and inaccurate.
In fact, I still consider it foolish and inaccurate. But the scale of accuracy here being much much smaller...

Ubiquitous as love probably is, I find it hard to believe that something as utterly lousy and materialistic as a few drops of salt water is a measure of it. It isn't that hard to make a person cry... its pretty easy actually, as numerous Tamil serials will attest. To use that as the cornerstone of a relationship, like saying "I made him cry! Yipppeee!!! How touching" is about as valid as celebrations of the one billion population mark a few years back. Momentous, yes. Historic, surely. Not much else.

To my friend's credit, he didn't mean it this way at all. The poor guy was probably looking at the silver lining. I got nuked, but hey, cockroaches make great pets...

IMO, and I'm putting my foot firmly in my mouth here (with great difficulty, owing to a slight decrease in appetite thanks to a new diet and a great loss of flexibility thanks to an old sprain) and going on to say that he was accurate as far as the tears were concerned. However, when Insecurity, and her good friend, Ego, conspire to make your tear ducts leak like a Lapis bathroom pipe, you know you're on shaky ground. In that case, just state dehydration as a medical reason and file for break-up.

1 comment:

vasudha said...

hehe nice style of writing,...i dint find it morose at all :)