Sunday, June 24, 2007


*Mike testing 1 2 3.... *
*Good to go sir... you're online*
*Clears Throat*

Friends, Romans, Countrymen...

*Egg lands squarely on face*

Oh wat the hell... chuck the glorious eloquent stuff... i'll have lots of time to kill you people with that later... anyway first meetings warrant introductions... so lets begin. I'm Sharu... the guy who started this blog and God of this humble piece of virtual (fourth) estate. And you, dear readers, are my dear readers.

*Like they didnt know that... Sheesh you are SOOOO corny!!!*

You're probably wondering what the deal is... And after scrolling up to check the title of the blog which you were nice enough to miss earlier, you're thinking, "What kind of a psychopath is this guy???".

Sorry to disappoint you... I'm just another ordinary guy with an ordinary life bodering on the wrong side of mundane. But wait... what happens in my life may be ordinary, but my take on it isn't... so thats what this is all about... I take anything from my life, and start off on a tangent from there....

*Okay people, this is yor cue to evacuate the place... MOVE IT!!!!*

You're probably wondering who that guy is.... lets just say its my alter ego... he'll be performing the highly valued and sought after role of snubbing me every few lines...

*Muwahahaahahahahahaha... Now they'll like me more than you*

Err.... Whatever... Anyways... Enjoy yourselves here... Can't guarentee you the most educative or language rich blog on the net... but i CAN guarentee you an honest, cynical and at times hilarious look at life... because thats how i live it....

*Ciao... Sheesh wat a dork...later!*


Jan said...

lol.. welcome to the world of blogosphere

Sharu said...

loose... gramatically incorrect... a simple welcome to blogosphere would have sufficed... oh well... gotta say thanks i guess.

Thankkooo dear sis...