Long time i guess... but here i am... officailly NIT-Tian... and with just 4 days to go before i leave for college...
Chuck the sad stuff... the best part abt this is, Dad said he ll get me a laptop.... and a cellphone!!!
Wait... there's a catch... i cant take them to college... at least for now.
So my luck went from outtta the roof to thro the window.... but well... sumthings better than nothing right, so i said "Cool!" and popped a chewing gum in my mouth. Which reminds me.... time to make a sweeping statement. Actually, lets make a series of unfortunately true sweeping statements....
Skeptic: "The world is divided into those who love
Sivaji, and those with brains."
Critic: "The world is divided into those who love
Rajni, and those who skip
Fanatic: "The world is divided into those who love
Sivaji, and those who wish to die."
You get the general idea. Rajni, the eternal superstar of tamil ciinema... the mere mention of whose name causes earthquakes in the heartland of the proud Tamil state.... the one who takes the path less taken, who uses a non existent iterative loop structure to repeat his dialogues a hundered times and he who proclaims God is the one true Lord... etc etc blah blah...
Dont get me wrong... im very much a Rajni fan... not the 'ThaallaaaA!!!!!' but more the "whoooooooooaaaaa!!!! sexxxyyy!!!" type... And i pretty much had huge expectations for Sivaji... i mean... the guy looked stylish for gods sake! But then i decided to go see it. In a theatre. With hundreds of screaming fans.
Hundreds of silent fans. I wont proceed to critically dissect the movie because that one reaction is testimony enough. Quite simply, it was a Vijay movie with Rajini in the lead and Shankar at his nauseous best.
Enough of that... lets get down to business. So since dad told me i could have a laptop, i thought i d better get down to deciding one. Of course, Dell... they make the best laptops. Then wat else... there i was,,, stuck.... then an idea struck me. You know... the *Eureka!* ones... when a bulb glows over your head and you lift your index finger in celebration, and a photographer is there to capture you in all your frizzy haired glory.... that types. Who better to ask, than a Rocket Scientist!!!!
Wait... No, im not joking. In fact, its "Rok-Het-Psy-Ent-Ist". Yes, he has a name. No, iwont tell you. Yes, he s crazy. Yes, he has a blog. And yes, he does have wierd hair and rocks in physics. No, he s not called 'Einstien'. Gawd!!!!
To make a loong story medium sized, he thoroughly put me down for my lack of computing intellect, proceeded to describe, in a condescending manner, the pros and cons of getting a Laptop (Pros: Lots. Cons: None) and concluded with a flourish, whipping out a link which made the entire conversation obsolete. When i, in a fit of anger, wondered aloud why i just didnt go to the link first, he tells me, "Duh! You need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out!".
The allure of the dark side was never so strong as that moment. Oh, for a lightsaber and metallic limbs with a scary voice and sith powers of torture... *Sighs*
Anyway.... i guess thats all. Any questions regarding the purpose behind this post will be greeted by a very kind, "Look at eh blog name, you idiot!".
Oh, and I would really like to point you all, dear readers, to this amazing book, titled "How to swear effectively : A one stop guide for thoroughly and efficiently dragging your enemies' ancestor into the dust, and adding spit for good measure" by 'Bazaar PC'. I assure you from first hand experience... this one is good.